Ironworker Craft Training Program
Member companies seeking to integrate ironworker training as part of their business model benefit from becoming SEAA/NCCER accredited and authorized. Participation in the program means your company can provide nationally recognized industry credentials for ironworkers, setting you apart from competitors as a quality employee and helping you attract and retrain the best craft professionals.
As a member of SEAA, you can participate under NCCER's sponsorship of SEAA as an oversight organization, cutting your costs and administrative requirements as compared to going direct through NCCER.
As a member of SEAA, you can participate under NCCER's sponsorship of SEAA as an oversight organization, cutting your costs and administrative requirements as compared to going direct through NCCER.
Become A Training Site or Assessment Center
DOL Approved Apprenticeship
SEAA’s U.S. Department of Labor-approved Ironworker Apprenticeship Standard provides members a tool to create and register formal training programs that meet both State and Federal government requirements. Participation in registered apprenticeship programs allows merit shop contractors the ability to utilize government approved apprenticeship wage rates on Davis Bacon Wage Projects.
Build standardization and consistency in Ironworker craft training. Determine training needs and entry levels for apprentices. Design training prescriptions to fill gaps in knowledge and skills. Increase competitive pricing for all companies. |
Benefits and Curriculum
Flexible programs featuring SEAA Ironworker Certification, NCCER Ironworker Certification, Company Specific Modules, Crane Operator, and Qualified Rigger/Signalperson Credentials.
SEAA offers a complete series of journey-level written assessments through the National Craft Assessment and Certification Program (NCACP).
Where to Direct Questions
Craft Training and Assessment Coordinator
Tim Eldridge, President Education Services Unlimited [email protected] 980-722-9373 |